ASD Procedure

1. The atrial septal defect
An Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) is a birth defect in the septum between the right and left atrium, the two smaller upper chambers of the heart. As the blood pressure on the left side is usually higher than on the right side, this leads to continuous blood flow across the ASD-hole from the left to the right side. A volume overload of the right heart can have serious consequences. It can lead to enlargement of the right heart, heart failure and hypertension in the lung arteries over years. Therefore, ASDs of significant size are usually closed to avoid serious long-term consequences, even though the patient in younger age might not feel any type of discomfort.1

2. Closing the defect
Nowadays, an ASD can be closed by a minimally invasive procedure in a cardiac catheterization laboratory, also known as a cath lab. A thin tube (catheter) is inserted in a blood vessel in the groin
and guided to the heart. The size and exact location of the ASD is measured by ultrasound (echo), x-ray or with a so-called balloon sizing catheter.2 The ASD Occluder has two umbrella-shaped flexible discs with a connection in the middle. The occluder collapses down to fit into the catheter. When ejected, the occluder returns to its two umbrella-disc shape. The discs allow an attachment to both sides of the atrial septum. Once in place, your doctor will confirm proper placement before releasing the occluder and withdrawing the catheter.

3. Device in position

The occluder is now in the correct position and the defect is closed by the two discs of the occluder. For
closing the little incision in the groin, usually no stitches are required, only a pressure bandage.

After a few months, the occluder will be covered by a thin layer of cells, then covered by the heart’s tissue and over time the defect should be completely overgrown.3

Occluders and airports

The device will not set-off any metal detectors at an airport security scan. 

If you have additional questions or need additional information, please contact Occlutech’s service center via email:

Content references:
  1. Haas_Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (2016)_Closure of Secundum Atrial Septal Defects by Using the Occlutech Occluder Devices in More Than 1300 Patients: The IRFACODE Project: A Retrospective Case Series, DOI: 10.1002/ccd.26497
  2. Godart_Archives of Cardiovascular Disease (2015) 108, 57—63 Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect with the Figulla® ASD Occluder: A comparative study with the Amplatzer® Septal Occluder.
  3. P17F03.029.03 Tanabe_Journal of the American Heart Association (2021;10:e019282). Angioscopic Evaluation of Atrial Septal Defect Closure Device Neo-Endothelialization DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.019282 1
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